Montag, 4. Juni 2007

I am back!

So, da bin ich wieder. in den letzten 3 wochen war hier richtig was los. mannomann. nach dem 2 wochen dreh hat mich mein "chef" 3 tage spaeter ueber den gmail chat gekuendigt. einfach so, voellig unerwartet. "Ab morgen brauchen wir dich nicht mehr." Maenner in Senior positionen machen mir angst. die koennen dich einfach mal so auf die strasse setzen, wenn du ihre Gefuehle nicht erwiederst. Oh mann, schon ganz schoen kindisch. ABER, ich bin wieder frei und muss mich nicht jeden morgen ueberwinden in die firma zu gehen.
im moment wohne ich mit einer indischen familie bis zum abflug. die kuemmern sich ganz lieb um mich. und zwar sind das Ankur's eltern. Ankur habe ich noch von deutschland aus uebers internet kennengelernt. In den naechsten tagen gehe ich weiter auf arbeitsuche. heute hatte ich ein ganz vielversprechendes meeting. mal sehen ob ich was finde, was mich wieder zurueck nach bombay bringt..... aber erstmal brauche ich eine pause nach dem ganzen wirrwarr hier.

1 Kommentar:

Unknown hat gesagt…

An open appeal

Prashant Rahi, a very senior journalist, was arrested on 17th of December 2007 in Dehradun by the Uttaranchal state police. He was allegedly charged of being a Maoist commander. The police secretly and illegally confined him and tortured him for five days after which he was shown arrested from the forests of Hanspur Khatta on 21st December. The police have charged him with various sections of IPC including 121, 121A, 124A, 153B, 120B. All the media carried the same version as stated by the police.

Just to give you a background, Prashant Rahi had been working in close association with the local people's struggles in Uttarakhand since last 17 years. He has been a fearless journalist by profession. Having started his career from Himachal Times, he moved on to The Statesman and worked many years covering people's issues. He is a native of Mumbai and pursued his education from Banaras Hindu University. He has been involved in various people’s movements like the one for the creation of Uttaranchal state, and the agitation against Tehri Dam. The state police has picked him up because he was mobilising people against the land, liquor and builder mafia in Uddham Singh Nagar that works in tandem with the police. This incident is in continuance of the trend set by many innocent arrests in the last few months including that of Binayak Sen and some journalists in Kerala and Andhra Pradesh of targeting pro-people intellegentsia. The trend has become increasingly apparent in those parts of the country where people's movement is strong. We firmly believe that this state action is a part of the efforts being carried out by the various state governments to secure hefty amount of funds from the central government in the name of combating naxalism. For this, it becomes imperative for them to prove that the state is inflicted with this insurgency.

We should strongly condemn the arrest of Prashant Rahi and call upon all the concerned individuals, civil society organisations, Amnesty, NHRC, journalist unions, writers' unions, people's movements and struggling groups to join hands in solidarity and support.

Being the only child of Prashant Rahi, his daughter, Shikha Rahi, is fighting a lone battle to secure his release. Her website [] carries more information on the subject.